Hiroshima City Kagura Troupe Performances Series October-December [Yuki Lodge]

Hiroshima City Kagura Troupe Performances Series at Yuki Lodge


Hiroshima City Kagura Troupe Performances Series October-December [Yuki Lodge]

Kagura performances by Hiroshima city kagura troupes are held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month at Yuki Lodge.

Kagura has been dedicated to the fall festival to thank the gods for a good harvest of five grains.

Kagura, which is unique to each region, has been handed down.

Impressive experiences that can only be enjoyed here await, such as splendid and dynamic dances, gorgeous costumes, and the taiko and flute of the Hayashi side.

Kagura performances by Hiroshima city kagura troupe are held at Yuki Lodge on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month, so please take this opportunity to enjoy Hiroshima Kagura.

* Due to the effects of the novel coronavirus infection, it may be canceled suddenly, so please check the latest information beforehand before going out.

Event period

Held on the 2nd and 4th Sundays from 2023/10/8 (Sun) to 12/24 (Sun)

Event content

October 8th Kameyama Kagura Troupe Mt. Oe-yama”, “Yamata-no-Orochi (The Eight-Headed Snake Demon)
October 22nd Shimoitsuhara Kagura Troupe Modoribashi-bridge (Part One of the Ōeyama Trilogy)”, “Jinrin
November 12th Moroki Local Performing Arts Preservation Society Invoking the Gods(Kami-Oroshi)” ※Dance Experience (Let's learn and dance together.)
November 26th Kaminakacho-shi Kagura Troupe Momiji-gari”, “Yamata-no-Orochi (The Eight-Headed Snake Demon)
December 10th Moroki Local Performing Arts Preservation Society Dance of the Great God (Seki-no-Mai)” ※Dance experience (Let's learn and dance together.)
December 24 Omori Kagura Troupe  “Momiji-gari”, "Ibuki-yama"

"Minamoto-no Yorimasa" has been changed to "Ibuki-yama"



Summary of the plays


Originally a Noh chant, it was turned into a kagura play featuring Taira-no-Koremochi, a military commander during the Heian period, as the main character. When rumors reach the capital that demon women, who live deep in the forests of Mt. Togakushi in Shinshū, are terrorizing the people of the surrounding villages, Koremochi is ordered to destroy them and heads to Shinshū. But, the demon women, having heard that Koremochi is on his way, decide to lure him to a maple leaf-viewing party deep in the mountain forest. There, they pour him cup after cup of sake and once he’s inebriated, the demons strike. However, the god Yahata-no-Kami realizes the danger that Koremochi is in and sends his messenger, Takeuchi-no-Kami, to deliver a sacred sword to him. Regaining consciousness thanks to divine intervention, Koremochi uses the divine sword to defeat the demon women.


Chant: In a village without demons in Togakushi, the sun sets and tonight, the faces of demon women await

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Mt. Oe-yama
About 1,000 years ago, there lived a fearsome demon named Shuten-doji who lived on Mt. Oe-yama in Kyoto. Shuten-doji and his loyal henchmen terrorized the people of Kyoto with every evil deed imaginable. Seeing his people suffering, the Emperor ordered Minamoto-no-Raiko to deal with the demons of Mt. Oe-yama once and for all. Raiko and his men disguise themselves as yamabushi mountain monks and head to Mt. Oe-yama. On their travels there, they stopped at a local shrine to pray for victory over the demons and receive a very special sake from the god of the shrine. The sake, when imbibed by demons, would make them lose their power, and so, Raiko offers it to Shuten-doji to weaken him. Once weakened, Raiko and his men attack, and after an epic battle with the demons, our heroes emerge victorious.

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Yamata-no-Orochi (The Eight-Headed Snake Demon)

In the land of Izumo-no-Kuni (current eastern Shimane prefecture), there lived an elderly couple with eight daughters. However, year by year and one by one, their daughters were eaten by a fearsome eight-headed snake demon called Yamata-no-Orochi. Left with only one precious daughter, the elderly couple was in despair over how to save her. It was then that the powerful god, Susano-o, happened upon the elderly couple and their daughter. When he asked why they were so sad, they told him the story, and he agreed to slay the demon in exchange for their daughter's hand in marriage. 'The elderly couple agreed, and Susano-o hatched a plan to slay the demon: he has the elderly couple make a barrel of poisoned sike, then, their daughter stands behind it, so her reflection is visible in the sake. Orochi would then consume the sake, thinking it was the daughter, and be weakened by the poison. Once weakened, Susano-o would attack and triumph over Orochi.

Susano-os plan works, and after slaying the demon, a sword falls from its stomach. Susano-o claims the sword as proof of his victory, and is becomes a national treasure.

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Modori-bashi Bridge (Part One of the Ōeyama Trilogy)

In the mid-Heian period, there was a demon named Shuten-dōji who lived on Mt. Ōeyama in the Tamba Province. He had many demon henchmen who worked for him, and they would appear in the capital, Kyoto, and villages near the capital, causing all manner of havoc and chaos. One of his henchmen, Ibaraki-dōji, would transform into an old woman and each night, the demon would appear at Modori-bashi Bridge in Kyoto and terrorize the people. Watanabe-no-Tsuna, one of Minamoto-no-Raikō’s Four Heavenly generals, is ordered to destroy Ibaraki-dōji, but is nearly killed himself when faced with the demon’s dark powers. However, he is saved by Sakata-no-Kintoki, who arrives to join the fray, having been told about Tsuna’s fate in a prophecy by the god of Iwashimizu. Kintoki and Tsuna succeed in cutting off Ibaraki-dōji’s left arm. The demon then flees back to his home on Mt. Ōeyama.

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The 14th Emperor of Japan, Tarashinakatsuhiko, faces a vast army of tens of thousands that have come to attack Japan from a foreign land. When the emperor hears that the army has at their command a winged demon known as Jinrin that flies upon a black cloud causing havoc, he takes up his heavenly bow and arrow, and together with Takamaro, sets out to defeat the demon. After a fierce battle, the emperor is victorious.

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Invoking the Gods (Kami Oroshi)

Kagura is performed with the gods in attendance. In order to turn the stage into a sacred space for the gods, this ritual dance is performed first to purify the stage and ask for the gods to come down and watch.

Dance of the Great God (Seki-no-Mai)

The great god Arahira, known for his countless evil deed, and mortal Taifu engage in a series of questions. When Taifu proves himself worthy and the two come to an understanding, Arahira becomes a force for good. This play is meant as a prayer for world peace, national peace, the health of local gods, and an abundant harvest.

Ibuki-yama (Mt. Ibuki)

Yamato Takeru-no-Mikoto, having subjugated the Ezo people in the far east of the country, was returning home to Yamato Province when he was ordered to defeat the great demon of Mt. Ibuki in Ōmi Province. Before heading to Mt. Ibuki, he leaves his sword, the Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, with his wife, thinking he will easily defeat the demon without it. While he faces a difficult battle without his sword, Takeru succeeds in defeating the demon, but is poisoned by the demon’s dark magic in the process, and ends up succumbing to the poison before he is able to return to Yamato Province.


2023/10/08(SUN) - 2023/12/24(SUN)
10/8 (Sun), 10/22 (Sun),

11/12 (Sun), 11/26 (Sun)

12/10 (Sun), 12/24 (Sun)

12:00 open 13:00 start and end around 15:00
Hiroshima City Kokumin Shukusha Yuki Lodge 2nd Floor Hall
12 years old and over 1,000 yen

4 years old to under 12 years old 250 yen

Under 4 years old free

*Children under 4 are free when watching on their lap, but if they need a seat, there is a fee (250 yen).

Please contact Yuki Lodge.

*Tickets can be reserved in advance.

2563-1 Tada, Yuki-cho, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken
Phone Number

Yuki Lodge 0829-85-0111


2563-1 Tada, Yuki-cho, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima-ken

Bus route: From the south exit of Itsukaichi Station on the JR Sanyo Main Line or Hiroden Itsukaichi on the Hiroshima Electric Railway Miyajima Line, take the Hiroden Bus bound for “Yuki-Lodge-mae” for about 76 minutes.

Car: [Chugoku Expressway] Approximately 30 minutes from Togouchi IC.

[Sanyo Expressway] Approximately 40 minutes from Itsukaichi IC.

(Free parking for 120 cars)

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