Shrine storehouse built to save starvation in the latter half of the Edo period
In the latter half of the Edo period, famine spread across the country, and the Hiroshima domain recommended the establishment of shrine storehouses to store food, and this was built in 1779. It is three ken (approximately 5.5m) wide, two ken (3.6m) deep, and has an area of 6 tsubo (approximately 20 square meters), with a dirt floor. It has a floor, with chestnut pillars and camphor beams, and the roof is tiled. There are few buildings with tiled roofs on the islands, so in that sense too this shrine storehouse was likely an important one to the local people.
- address
- 〒734-0102634 Ushihara, Ohama, Toyohama-cho, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture
- Phone Number
- 0823-68-2211