The largest colony of Shiribukagashi in Japan

Elevation: 139m When you stand at the JR Hiroshima Station "Shinkansen Exit", you will see a lush forest before you, and a mountain with a peace tower near the top. This is Mt. Futaba, which we will be showing you from now on. It is hard to imagine that something important could be hiding in such a familiar and familiar forest, but this is the largest colony of beech trees in Japan. Its size is said to be 2.5 hectares (total size is 4 hectares).


business hours
open all year round
732-0051Higashi Ward, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture


Higashi Ward, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture

10 minutes walk from JR Hiroshima Station "Shinkansen Exit"

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