Kenashiyama is listed on the map

This 1,252m high mountain, also known as "Kenashiyama," rises to the southwest of the Hiba Mountain Range in the Central Chugoku Mountains. Along the mountain trail, you will find Ichinotaki, Ninotaki, and Sannotaki waterfalls, and from the summit, you can see Mt. Sanbe and Mt. Oyama. Along the descent path, you will find Shoryunotaki waterfall and a beech and mizunara forest lined with giant trees that are 200 to 300 years old.


business hours
open all year round
727-0311Mikawachi, Hiwacho, Shobara City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Phone Number
Number of parking spaces
Parking notes
5 pieces


Mikawachi, Hiwacho, Shobara City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Car Approximately 40 minutes from Chugoku Expressway Shobara IC, Approximately 40 minutes from Matsue Expressway Takano IC

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