The cherry blossoms on the approach to the shrine are a popular cherry blossom viewing spot in the local area

The approach to the shrine is lined with double-flowered cherry trees and Yoshino cherry trees, which, along with the peach blossoms in the vicinity of the shrine, make it a great spot for cherry blossom viewing. Passing through the large wooden torii gate visible from the prefectural road, you will reach the second torii gate after walking along the straight approach of about 150 meters. The cedars on the left and right are particularly large, with the trunk circumference of the right cedar measured at chest height of 5.9 meters (approximately 1.9 meters in diameter), and the left cedar also measuring 5.2 meters (approximately 1.6 meters in diameter), making them well worth seeing. There are eight giant cedars in the precincts, and the surrounding cedars are only slightly smaller than these two, making this a rare grove of giant trees in this area. There is also a large water basin dated 1689, a stone lantern dated 1848, a pair of granite lion dogs, and two pairs of ceramic lion dogs made of Sekishu ware, all set in the precincts, praying for peace in the area.


727-06231296 Honmura-cho, Shobara-shi
Phone Number
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10 cars


1296 Honmura-cho, Shobara-shi

[car] ・ Approximately 15 minutes from Shobara IC on the Chugoku Expressway

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