A farm where you can enjoy pear hunting and grape hunting, moth lanterns are a summer tradition in Sera.

The 45-hectare orchard, which is spread out at an altitude of 450m, cultivates Kosui and Hosui pears, grapes, plums, and other fruits, and visitors can enjoy picking pears and grapes, which are the fruit of Sera's bounty. At the Yama no Eki sales office, in addition to direct sales of pears, processed products such as jelly and jam made from pears harvested at Sera Daiho Farm are also sold. Pears are grown without bags. (This method of cultivation results in higher vitamin C and sugar content, even if the appearance is slightly deteriorated.) At night, the entire orchard is lit up with yellow lights called "moth-proof lights" to protect the fruit from moths. The fantastic scenery lit by about 1,700 lights has become a seasonal feature of the Sera Plateau, and has been selected as one of the 87 best light landscapes in Hiroshima Prefecture. This vast orchard has won the Grand Prize at the 30th Japan Agriculture Awards.


business hours
08: 00 ~ 17: 00
Open daily during pear and grape harvesting
[Pear picking/grape picking] Adults (junior high school students and older) 1,200 yen / Children (3 years old to elementary school students) 600 yen
722-162110804-1 Kyomaru, Sera-cho, Sera-gun
Phone Number
Number of parking spaces
Parking fee
Parking notes
400 passenger cars Parking fee: Free


10804-1 Kyomaru, Sera-cho, Sera-gun

[Car] - About 20 minutes from Onomichi Matsue Line Sera IC - About 30 minutes from Sanyo Expressway Kawachi IC - About 20 minutes from Onomichi Matsue Line Kisa IC

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