Bingo Kunichi no Miya, the land of Somin Mirai legend that appears in the Bingo Fudoki
It is one of the three Gion shrines in Bingo Province and is also listed in the Engishiki. It is also the Ichinomiya (first shrine) of Bingo Province, and in recent years has been visited by many pilgrims on the Ichinomiya tour. Festivals include the Gion Festival and the Chinowa-kuguri (passing through a straw ring). The Enokumanokunitsuyashiro (Enokuma no Kunisha) in the Bingo Fudoki Itobun refers to Susanoo Shrine, and is said to be the site of the legend of "Somin Shorai."
- business hours
- always open to the public
- address
- 〒729-31011-1 Tode, Shinichimachi, Fukuyama City, Hiroshima Prefecture
- Phone Number
- 0847-51-2958
- email address
- Parking notes
- can be