Steel frames bent by the blast of the atomic bomb still remain
In 1897 (Meiji 30), the Ujina Branch of the Army Provisions Depot was established. A provision depot is a facility that procures, manufactures, stores, and distributes food for soldiers and feed for military horses. It was later renamed the Army Provisions Depot Ujina Branch, and in 1911, a brick cannery was built on the west side of Ujina Miyuki Street. On August 6, 1945 (Showa 20), the atomic bomb was dropped 3.21 kilometers from the hypocenter. At the time, there were few employees due to reassignments and evacuation, so human casualties were minor, but the blast was powerful enough to bend the steel beams. In 1985, it opened as a local history museum. Part of the steel beams that were bent by the blast are currently preserved in the upper part of the entrance hall.
- business hours
- 9:00-17:00 (Admission until 16:30)
- Holidays
- Every Monday, the day after a national holiday
- price
- [From April 1, 2014]<br /> Individuals/adults 100 yen, seniors/high school students 50 yen, free for junior high school students and younger Groups (more than 30 people, infants not included)/adults 80 yen, seniors/high school students 30 yen, junior high school students and under free *Senior fees are based on official certificate Alternatively, age verification using a health handbook is required.
- address
- 〒734-00152-6-20 Miyuki Ujina, Minami-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
- Phone Number
- 082-253-6771