A rare kuri where the outer walls are painted white, and even the gables and hanging fish are painted white.

The kuri (temple quarters) is located to the east of the main hall, and is presumed to date to the same period as the main hall, as the construction methods and materials used in the details are very similar to those of the main hall. There are few other examples of this building with a gabled roof and tiled roof like the main hall. The exterior walls are plastered like the main hall, and even the gables and gables are painted white with plaster, which is a very rare technique. Another characteristic is that there are few partitions for the kuri, which was originally intended as a residence and kitchen for monks, and 67% of the total space is a single space connected to the dirt floor, which is quite different from normal temple architecture. Kokuzenji suffered extensive damage from the atomic bomb in 1945 (2.6 km in a straight line from the hypocenter), but escaped collapse and fire. However, due to deterioration and damage caused by aging, especially the priest's quarters, a three-year restoration project was carried out from 1988, restoring it to its original appearance. Date of designation: December 9, 1993 Summary: 17.7m long, 13.2m deep, single-story, gabled, gabled, real tile roof, eaves on the east side and front, corridor between the main hall and earthen wall on the east side of the front


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732-004832-1 Yamane-cho, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
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32-1 Yamane-cho, Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture

10 minute walk from Hiroshima Station

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