This Gokoko pestle is said to have been made during the Nanbokucho period due to the tension of the crotch and the sharpness of the carved pattern.
This vajra has a pronounced taut crotch and is characterised by sharply carved lotus petal patterns. On the top lid of the box it was kept in, it is written in ink, "Property of Daisozu Matsuhashi Genkai." Matsuhashi Genkai (1093-1156) was a high-ranking monk who held important positions such as head priest of Daigoji Temple in Kyoto and head priest of Toji Temple towards the end of the Heian period, but the style of this vajra suggests it was made during the Nanboku-cho period. Date designated: February 18, 1974 Summary: Total length 18cm
- address
- 〒733-0805411 Mitakiyama, Nishi-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
- Phone Number
- 082-237-0811