The imprisoned land of Amago, the Sengoku daimyo of Izumo who fought against Mori

In 1566, the three sons of Amago Haruhisa, Yoshihisa, Michihisa and Hidehisa, surrendered to Motonari and were sent to seclusion at Enmyoji Temple in Nagata, Mukaihara-cho, Aki-Takata City, where they remained under house arrest for over 20 years. After the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600, when the Mori clan was transferred from Bungo to Nagato, the three brothers moved to Nago in Abu County, close to Hagi City, where they died. Their graves remain at their family temple, Hojayama Daikaku-ji Temple in Nago. It is therefore believed that this grave is that of a senior vassal who had followed the three brothers.


739-1203Nagata, Mukaihara-cho, Akitakata-shi
Phone Number


Nagata, Mukaihara-cho, Akitakata-shi

Car Approximately 30 minutes from Chugoku Expressway Takata IC, approximately 50 minutes from Sanyo Expressway Saijo IC About 10 minutes by taxi from Mukaihara Station on the public JR Geibi Line

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