This website uses an automatic translation service. Automatic translation may not always be accurate. The translated content may differ from the original meaning, so please use this service with understanding.
1. The information provided on this website is compiled based on data collected from various municipalities. As a result, discrepancies may arise between the content at the time of collection and its actual state at the time of use. Therefore, the Association makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy, legality, morality, currency, or appropriateness of the information referenced from search results. The Association and its information providers shall bear no responsibility for any actions taken by users based on the information provided on this website.
2. The Association assumes no responsibility for any damages or losses incurred by users as a result of accessing this website.
3. The information and URLs on this website are subject to change or deletion without prior notice.
4. The distribution of all or part of this website may be suspended or terminated due to maintenance or other reasons.
5. This website may include translations generated by third-party translation services from the original Japanese version. The Japanese version is considered the official version, and neither the Association nor Hiroshima City makes any guarantees, whether explicit or implied, regarding the translations from the Japanese version, including but not limited to accuracy, reliability, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.