At the age of 19, Kobo Daishi climbed the mountains of Shikoku, Chugoku and Tokaido, mastered the secret teachings of Gyumonji, and after many difficult ascetic practices, he entered the Buddhist path and perfected his asceticism. He also climbed Mount Noro and devoted himself to asceticism, and in 807, he founded the Shingon sect by imperial decree of Emperor Heizei. He later traveled around the country, and is said to have climbed Mount Noro again in 812 to practice asceticism. In memory of this achievement, the residents of Nakanori, Yasuura Town, built the Ionjo Kobo Daishi Hall in Ionjo, enshrined a statue of Kobo Daishi as the principal image, and have come to hold memorial services for him on the 21st of the month, setting aside the anniversary of his death.
- business hours
- Freedom to worship
- address
- 〒737-2504Nakakiri, Yasuura-cho, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture
- Phone Number
- 0823-84-3306
- Number of parking spaces
- 200
- Parking notes
- 200 cars [* Use the mountaintop parking lot]