Takamurayama, which is 535m above sea level, is a temple located near the peak of the mountain, and according to legend, it was built by Gyoki in 730. The main hall is designated as an Important Cultural Property of Japan, and was rebuilt in 1511. There are also many prefecture and city designated Important Cultural Properties, such as a wooden half-seated statue of Jizo Bodhisattva, the Goma Hall and the Juo Hall, and an Engi picture scroll. The area around the temple is also designated as Chikurinji Yokurayama Prefectural Natural Park, and the grounds are surrounded by bamboo forests, and visitors can enjoy the mountain azaleas and cherry blossoms in spring, hydrangeas and lotus in summer, and ginkgo and maple leaves in autumn.


business hours
Visiting time 07: 00 ~ 17: 00
739-22083103 Nyuno, Kouchi-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima City
Phone Number
Number of parking spaces
Parking notes
30 units People with disabilities can park next to the Sanmon (2 cars)


3103 Nyuno, Kouchi-cho, Higashi-Hiroshima City

Car: About 15 minutes from Sanyo Expressway Kochi IC, about 10 minutes from Hiroshima Airport Public: 1 hour 30 minutes walk from Kochi Station on the JR Sanyo Main Line, 1 hour 10 minutes walk from Nyuno Station

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