A beautiful island also known as a fishing spot

It is a beautiful island near Miyajima in Aki, one of the three most scenic spots in Japan. In early spring, camellias and cherry blossoms bloom beautifully, entertaining people who visit the islands and hike. It is also known as a fishing spot.


business hours
All day
Open daily
Ferry fare (one way): Adults (junior high school students and above) 710 yen, children (elementary school students) 360 yen *For ferry details, please refer to the operating company's website. (https://atatakisen.jimdofree.com/)
739-0607Atada, Otake City *Ogata Port (Otake Port): 2-2 Harumi, Otake City *It takes about 35 minutes to get to Atada Island by ferry from Ogata Port. For ferry details, please refer to the operating company's website. (https://atatakisen.jimdofree.com/)
Phone Number
Number of parking spaces
Parking fee
Parking notes
There are 50 cars (free of charge) at Ogata Port


Atada, Otake City *Ogata Port (Otake Port): 2-2 Harumi, Otake City *It takes about 35 minutes to get to Atada Island by ferry from Ogata Port. For ferry details, please refer to the operating company's website. (https://atatakisen.jimdofree.com/)

About 5 minutes by car from Sanyo Expressway Otake IC to Ogata Port (Otake Port), about 35 minutes by ferry from Ogata Port (Otake Port)

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