The chime that rings every day at 8:15 a.m. appeals to the whole world for No More Hiroshima.

Date of construction: October 28, 1967. A spherical clock facing three directions sits atop a tower made of three iron pillars, each twisted at a 60-degree angle. (Approximately 20m high) Built by the Hiroshima Rijo Lions Club in response to the permanent preservation of the Atomic Bomb Dome, the clock tower chimes toll to the whole world every day at 8:15, the time when mankind was baptized by the first atomic bomb, making a strong appeal for "No More Hiroshimas." The sound of this chime was selected by the Environment Agency in 1996 as one of the "100 Best Japanese Sounds to Preserve." (This includes the entire soundscape, including the bell on display at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and used in the Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6th, and the "Peace Bell.")


business hours
Open all year round
730-08111 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture (Aioibashi Minami-zume)


1 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture (Aioibashi Minami-zume)

From Hiroshima Station, take the Hiroshima Electric Railway (tram) and get off at the Atomic Bomb Dome-mae stop, right next to the Aioi Bridge connecting bridge.

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