A monument commemorating the students and staff of Hiroshima City Girls' High School.The letters referring to the atomic bomb indicate the conditions under Allied occupation.

Date of construction: August 6, 1948 Hiroshima City High School, which was used for building evacuation work in the current Peace Memorial Park-Heiwa Boulevard area (approximately 500m from the hypocenter. At the time, Zaimoku-cho to Kobiki-cho) All 544 first and second grade students and eight staff members at the girls' school died. At this school, 679 people, including those at other schools, died from the atomic bombing, making it the school with the highest number of casualties of any school in the city. Sleeping peacefully while being protected by a friend fence, on this grass mountain The author of the tanka behind the monument, Masaomi Miyagawa, was the school's principal at the time. The box held by the girl in the center has the formula for nuclear energy (``E=MC2'') taken from Einstein's theory of relativity. During the Allied occupation, the word ``atomic bomb'' was not used.


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1 Nakajima-cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture (Motoyasu River bank, Heiwa Bridge west end)

From Hiroshima Station, take the Hiroshima Bus to Yoshijima Office and get off at ``Peace Memorial Park''.Heiwa Ohashi Nishizumetamoto

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