Kotohira Shrine, known as "Saka no Konpira-san" and bustling with many worshipers on fair days

Kotohira Shrine is said to have been established in 1700 by the priest Aoyama Izuminokami, who enshrined it from Konpira Shrine in Sanuki. The main hall burned down in 1877, but was rebuilt in March 1879. The building is one bay square, and is eye-catching for its unique architectural technique, in which square timbers made of zelkova and cypress are skillfully assembled.


739-1201Saka, Mukaiharamachi, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Phone Number
Number of parking spaces
Parking notes
10 cars


Saka, Mukaiharamachi, Akitakata City, Hiroshima Prefecture

Car Approximately 25 minutes from Chugoku Expressway Takata IC, approximately 40 minutes from Sanyo Expressway Saijo IC

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