It is one of the Aki Nada Islands connecting bridges connecting Honshu and the Aki Nada Islands, and was opened on November 18, 2008 with a length of 903 m and a width of 9 m. Nickname is "Abi Ohashi". This nickname was given to the fact that fishing was carried out in the surrounding waters using a flock of prefectural bird red-throated loons in Hiroshima Prefecture as a landmark.


business hours
Open all year round
Oura, Kamagari-cho, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture - Toshima, Toyohama-cho


Oura, Kamagari-cho, Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture - Toshima, Toyohama-cho

By car, about 40 minutes from Hiroshima Kure Road (Claire Line) Kure IC. About 60 minutes from Takaya JCT on the Sanyo Expressway

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