Minouchi Kaguradan (Minochi Kaguradan)

Introduction of the Kaguradan/
Since Iwami Kagura was introduced to the area in the Edo Tempo period, Minuchi Kagura has inherited its history and tradition to the present while incorporating old dances and new dances from the Yamagata family. In Showa 38, the program “Goryuo” handed down by the Minuchi Kagura Troupe was designated as a Hiroshima Prefectural Folk Intangible Cultural Property. Currently, we are receiving calls from local and various places such as Autumn Festival dedication kagura, various events, and competitions held in various places. In addition, the Minuchi Children's Kagura Troupe has been established since 2006, striving to train successors, and performing at facility consolations and events. In the future, all the members of the adult and children will continue to work on mastering the art even further, and devote themselves to the inheritance and development of traditional culture while valuing the history and traditions left by our predecessors.
We are currently recruiting members. Anyone who likes, is interested, experienced, or inexperienced in kagura is also welcome. Men, women, children and adults should first wake them up to practice/performance tours.
Name of Representative (Title)/NISHI Yasuhiko (Leader)
Contact/090-1012-4787 (direct to the leader)
When the Kaguradan was found/Edo Tenpo
Number of members: 24
Holding programs/
Former Mai Yoho, Shinrin, Yamata no Orochi
Shinmai Suzukayama, Modoribashi, Mt. Oe, Akukitsu-den, Takiyashahime, Momijigari, Mt. Mikami, Kannoyama, Nagato Hikoshima
Twelve Divine Gomai Goryuo (Hiroshima Prefectural Folk Intangible Cultural Property)
Local Shrine/ Wada Hachiman Shrine
Performance period at a local shrine/ 3rd Saturday in October
Past performances: Hiroshima Prefecture Kagura Competition, West China Selected Kagura Competition, Sakurapia Kagura Co-starring Competition, Various Events, Autumn Festival, Saeki Kagura Festival
Business trip kagura performance/Yes (It is not possible to perform Kagura on weekdays, but it is possible to perform on Saturdays and Sundays.)
Wada, Yukicho, Saeki-ku, Hiroshima 738-0601