Let's enjoy Hiroshima's Kagura

In Hiroshima, kagura is still popular and very familiar to everyone here.
In recent years, while valuing its role as a Shinto ritual, the highly entertaining stages that can be enjoyed by adults and children is becoming a hot topic. It is so popular that performances are held every weekend.
Be sure to check the performance schedule and feel free to attend !
Recently, Hiroshima's Kagura has been incorporating theatrical elements such as luxurious costumes and small gadgets. You could say it has risen to the realm of performing arts.
Kagura competitions and regular performances are popular and are visitors always show excitement. “Kagura Girls,” who also are known as Carp girls sometimes also take part to the competition, so be appeared!
In addition, there is a kagura boom in Hiroshima now. Recently, it has been widely attention by having kakura troups performing to inauguration ceremonies and weddings.
Children's kagura is also thriving. The splendor of traditional performing arts has been passed down. The dance performed with its own musical accompaniment is full of the children's power.
Be sure to pay attention to the dance that defeat adults !