Experience the healing effects of the forest

  • Yah-ho (Aki Ota Town) for the magnificent scenery
  • Take a leisurely walk in Komorebi (Jinsekikogen Town)
  • Yah-ho (Aki Ota Town) for the magnificent scenery
  • Take a leisurely walk in Komorebi (Jinsekikogen Town)

Introducing Forest Therapy®, which is now attracting attention. In order to spread forest therapy initiatives, “forest therapy certification bases” have spread throughout the country, and two towns in Hiroshima prefecture have also been certified. Let's experience forest bathing one step further!

What is Forest Therapy®

Therapy guides support
The heart calms down in the rich forest

Healthy mind and body with the healing effects of the forest

Forest Therapy® refers to a forest bath/stroll whose healing effects has been scientifically verified. It is a step forward that aims to maintain and improve mental and physical health, and prevent disease by walking in the forest and moving the body. Take a leisurely stroll along the Therapy Road with a forest therapist and therapy guide, and spend time feeling nature with a variety of therapy menus.
Only forests that have been certified as “Forest Therapy Base” where you can enjoy Forest Therapy® have been scientifically recognized for their healing effects and disease prevention effects by conducting comparative experiments in the local and urban areas.

Aki Ota Town and Jinsekikogen Town are certified in Hiroshima prefecture.

How to enjoy Forest Therapy®

Experience a hammock in the woods (Akiota Town)
Snacks eaten outside are exceptional (Jinsekikogen Town)

Relax using your five senses

Spending a relaxing time in the forest can heal your mind and body by itself, but you can feel the power of the forest further by working on the five senses of “seeing,” “listening,” “sniffing,” “touching,” and “tasting.”

A guide will accompany you and help you bring out the five senses that humans naturally have in nature, so look for a therapy road that suits your physical strength and wishes!

Therapy bento

【Featured Column】
Therapy Bento ~ Another fun for walking around! ~

Taste is also an important experiential element of forest therapy. We made original therapy bento boxes at the two bases! The therapy bento in Akiota-cho is an original “satoyama energetic (beans) bento” that is particular about local ingredients. In Jinsekikogen-cho, it is an original “sambaisan” bento of Jinsekikogen Town with rice produced in the town. Sanbaisan is the god of rice paddies handed down in the Chugoku region. The bento eaten in the woods is exceptional! It is made with ingredients that vary depending on the season. Let's fully enjoy the blessings of the four seasons.

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