Atomic bombed buildings still in use around the Atomic Bomb Dome and Peace Memorial Park

Some of the atomic bombed buildings are being used for active use, and many of them are closely related to daily life, such as department stores. Let's think about peace through the existing atomic bombed buildings that are being used in everyday life.
The distance from the hypocenter is 170m. Built by Taishoya Kimono Shop in Osaka in 1929, it was a modern building made of reinforced concrete that was innovative at that time. It is the only building in the Peace Park that retains the remnants of the pre-atomic bombing. Utilizing its historical characteristics, conveying the reality of the atomic bombing, preserving and utilizing it so that it becomes a place to share thoughts for peace, and to improve hospitality to visitors, renovation work was carried out to mark 75 years of the atomic bombing It was renewed and opened on July 1, 2020.
The distance from the hypocenter is 360 meters. The modern building based on the Renaissance style was completed as the Hiroshima Branch of the Mitsui Bank, and at the time of the atomic bombing, it was used as the Imperial Bank Hiroshima Branch due to the merger. In 1967, the current Andersen Group bought it and opened “Hiroshima Andersen”, a bakery and restaurant complex store. The atomic bombed buildings have been preserved by utilizing them according to the style of the times. After a complete rebuilding work that left the atomic bombed area, the Hondori shopping street continues to operate again in August 2020.
The distance from the hypocenter is 380m. It is a historical building representing the early Showa period in Hiroshima, with an excellent appearance in classical style, and it remained almost as it was at the time of construction even after the atomic bombing. It is also designated as an important tangible cultural property of Hiroshima City. Currently, it also serves as a building open to the public, and is used as a place for holding events and using galleries.
The distance from the hypocenter is 410 meters. It is the elementary school closest to the hypocenter, and was built as the first three-story reinforced concrete school building in a public elementary school in Hiroshima. Part of the building is preserved and opened to the public so that it can be visited as the Peace Museum. The motif of the elementary school in “Barefoot Gen” is this Elementary School.
The distance from the hypocenter is 460 meters. Part of the former school building, which was called the “West School Building” at the time of the atomic bombing, has been preserved and can be visited as the Peace Museum. Messages written on the walls to inquire about the safety of children, faculty, and local people are published as valuable materials to know the situation at that time.
The distance from the hypocenter is 710 meters. It is a local department store representing Hiroshima. It was a modern building with heating and cooling facilities, which was rare at that time, and it was crowded with people. The following year after the atomic bombing, it quickly resumed business, contributing to the reconstruction of Hiroshima.
It has been increased and rebuilt four times, but the exterior along the train road has remained the same as it was when it was completed in 1938 before the atomic bombing, and it has become a place that creates a lively atmosphere of people even now and in the past.