Let's know the charm of kagura

Hiroshima prefecture is known as one of the nation's leading kagura locations. Nearly 300 kagura groups are active in the prefecture, and performances are actively held. In addition to the brilliant and dynamic dances, gorgeous Kagura costumes, and the drums and flutes of the musical accompaniment, etc. are waiting for an impressive experience that can only be tasted here!
“Kagura” is a traditional performing art that has been passed down throughout Japan even now. There are various theories about its origin, but it is said that the songs and dances performed in front of the shrine for the reimbursement, harvest of five grains, dispelling bad disasters, and thanking for a good harvest were called “kagura.” Hiroshima's kagura has also been established as a dedication event for the annual event of the village's shrine festival. What is kagura in the first place? Let's touch on the origins of Kagura and the history of Hiroshima Kagura.
You can enjoy the gorgeous costumes and the gorgeous dance that goes along with the hayashi just by watching it, but if you know the characters and the story, you can definitely enjoy it even more! First, let's check the types and characteristics of the program and go out to watch Kagura.
Nearly 300 kagura groups are active in the prefecture, and performances are actively held. It occurs as one of the rituals and has been performed since ancient times as a ritual to pray for a good harvest, good catch, and chase disease, but nowadays, it can be enjoyed by adults and children while valuing the role as a Shinto ritual. The stage with high entertainment is gaining popularity. Children's kagura is also thriving, and the splendor of traditional performing arts has been passed down.